(800) 871-9247

Why use PHI Risk Analysis Services? 

At Info Incognito we believe the de-identification of your data is critical in discovering future advancements in health and other benefits around the improvements in life. In order to accomplish this, you'll need to leverage your data while being in compliance with federal regulations.

Which is why we created our PHI Risk Analysis service. This service identifies where your organization is at risk of violating the federal regulations related to the way Protected Health Information (PHI) is being used. We will review how your organization is using PHI and make recommendations to reduce the risks that are identified. This service helps you by:

*    Reducing your risk of violating federal regulations and damaging your brand.

*    Instilling confidence with your customers regarding the handling their sensitive


*    Processing sensitive data in a compliant manner.

To determine if this service is right for your business, fill out the form to download our educational guide.

De-identification at Your Fingertips



PHI Risk Analysis  Guide